Capturing Tweets and Twitter Networks at MLA 2013

Meeting to discuss strategies for capturing/sorting the MLA 2013 twitter feed and tools (such as NodeXL) for mapping the MLA 2013 Twitter network. If possible, it would be great if we could work on this as a team during the MLA and list everyone as co-authors on what is produced. An experiment in collaboration, then.

Categories: General, Session Proposals |

About sjacobs

I am a creative writer and an environmentalist. I am currently the Managing Editor of The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. I am also a Communication Fellow at the Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute at Baruch College.

3 Responses to Capturing Tweets and Twitter Networks at MLA 2013

  1. PhDeviate says:

    I love this idea! Count me in, if I can!

  2. rybakc says:

    Hmmm, I didn’t see this proposal earlier, but I have one later about Twitter and class discussions, where a lot of these same mapping issues/skills might come into play with what I was asking.

  3. I’d be interested in doing this. I’ve seen others use NodeXL to analyze twitterstreams before, and it’s been great.

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