
Donate to THATCamp MLA

Attending THATCamp is free, but we do encourage donations. We recommend $20 per person. You can donate to support future THATCamps at MLA by clicking the link below:


Our Sponsors

Special thanks to our sponsors, especially Microsoft Research, Northeastern University, and the 2013 MLA Annual Convention.


The NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks is Northeastern University’s new center for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science. NULab supports faculty research projects; trains graduate students in DH and CSS skills; sponsors talks and symposia (and THATCamps!); and provides fora for discussions of technology, teaching, and research at Northeastern.

Northeastern University Office of the Provost

The Office of the Provost has responsibility for undergraduate education, research and graduate education, honors and first-year programs, faculty affairs, global relations, and academic budget, planning and administration at Northeastern University. We thank them for contributing our coffee and meals, as well as providing organizational support.

Northeastern University Libraries

The Northeastern Libraries have been essential to organizing THATCamp MLA: not only did they volunteer their space to host the event, they have also given significant time from essential personnel who have helped organize all aspects of the event.

Microsoft Research

Microsoft ResearchMicrosoft Research has been a generous donor to THATCamp MLA. MS Research has also supported the work of Internet ethnographer and privacy scholar danah boyd, has produced such useful open source tools for the humanities as ChronoZoom, and has organized an annual Faculty Summit for the express purpose of bringing academic researchers and educators together with Microsoft’s computer scientists and engineers. We’re proud to be associated with them.

NERCOMP and THATCamp New England

A donation from THATCamp New England was made possible by NERCOMP‘s generous funding of TCNE over multiple years. THATCamp New England has been held annually since 2010. NERCOMP mission is to enhance the communication and
dissemination of information related to the use of computers, networks and information technology in education, academic research and educational administration throughout the Northeastern United States.

The 2013 Modern Language Association Annual Convention

Our THATCamp is hosted in conjunction with the 2013 MLA Annual Convention, which returns to Boston for the first time since 1952!


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