
I would like to propose a session on the Juxta collation software. I understand this is a very good tool for textual editing, but I’m wondering if it can be manipulated for comparing, say, different translations of the Aeneid. Ideally, too, I’d like to know the difference between Juxta & the new Juxta commons.

Categories: Publishing, Research Methods, Scholarly Editions, Session Proposals |

About Christopher Ohge

I am a graduate of the Editorial Institute at Boston University and am currently the Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities at the University of Maine. I specialize in 19th and 20th century literature, focusing on American expatriate writing, New England Transcendentalism, Herman Melville, modernism, Paul Bowles, textual studies, and print and digital scholarly editing. I am also a contributing editor to the Melville Electronic Library and Melville's Marginalia Online, and developing a web site devoted to the critical study of biography.

2 Responses to Juxta

  1. rybakc says:

    I’ve been thinking about trying Juxta in creative writing classes, to get students comparing earlier versus later drafts of their own work. In short, I’d be interested in knowing more about Juxta as well.

  2. dawn says:

    I’ve also been thinking about ways of using Juxta for translation — comparing translations of a work over time and following the progress of a translation as it develops.

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