Michael Millner


I teach English and American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. My scholarly work has been primarily focused on nineteenth-century American cultural history (I'm the author of the recent _Fever Reading: Affect and Reading Badly in the Early American Public Sphere_), but I teach courses about all periods in American cultural history as well as courses in Gender Studies, the Arab Novel, and Cultural Theory. Next year I'll be teaching a grad level methods courses that is at least half focused on DH. I also run the Jack Kerouac Center for Public Humanities, which has as one of its primary projects jackkerouac.com, an archival and educational public humanities site that uses Kerouac as window into the twentieth-century history of Lowell, MA. I'm currently working on talks and essays about the digitalization of public humanities. Zizek crosses my mind almost everyday. Not so much Nicholas Carr (although I do quote him my book mentioned above).