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Emily Kugler

- Assistant Professor
- Howard University
- Website: www.EmilyMNKugler.com
- Twitter: @Emnk
I am a scholar working in literary/book history, postcolonial studies, digital humanities, and gender studies. My book, Sway of the Ottoman Empire on English Identity in the Long Eighteenth Century, was published in 2012 as part of Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History series, and I'm working on new digital and book projects focused on networks, women, slavery, and empire. I am also involved in preparations for the 23 August 2015 Middle Passage Port Marker Ceremony for Boston's role in chattel slavery in the Americas, as well as with a supplementary public history project on the Desire, which exchanged Pequot captives for African slaves in its 1637-1638 voyages. Starting Fall 2015, I will join the English Department at Howard University as an Assistant Professor.