Student Storage & Processes of Multimodal Compositions

I would like to address both the technology (hardware) involved with storing student works and their processes of multimodal composing.

I’d be interested discuss any platforms or systems you use to 1) protect the digital works of our students; 2) protect them in terms of copyright materials; 3) use their works as resources/shareable content.    In our own university and others I’ve been at it, we’ve experimented with Dropbox, Chalk & Wire, Google docs, and Blackboard (the University’s system), but I’d love to hear if there are any other programs out there, the amount of data that can be stored, and how user-friendly they are.  I’d also like to discuss ethical issues and/or fair use practices if we have time.

I’m also very interested in how students create multimodal compositions.  I’d be happy to share findings from a case study I conducted in the fall 2012, particularly students’ process of juxtaposing images and texts, of remixing videos and sound, and creating their own works with a variety of programs – and I’d love to hear your approaches to teaching these works, or theoretical works you use to integrate them in the classroom.

Categories: General |

About lisalitterio

Ph.D. Candidate in Rhetoric & Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

1 Response to Student Storage & Processes of Multimodal Compositions

  1. One of the things I got a chance to do this past fall was to lead a media lab for a humanities course, and I’m expecting to get another crack at it next fall, so I’m quite interested in this conversation.

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